Find a Rainbow šŸŒˆ After the Storm

Feeling worn out and like weā€™ve weathered a LOT lately? Ā The truth is, we have.
Michael Singer (Untethered Soul) reminds us ItĀ is not lifeā€™s events that cause problems or stress. Ā It isĀ resistanceĀ to lifeā€™s events that is causing this experience.
When we focus on CHANGE and transformation like we have the past few months, then striving for perfection can lead to burn out and becoming hypercritical of ourselves and others. Ā The key is acknowledging ourselves and others for even the tiniest bits of progress.
The mind though, is good at pointing out the negative, or all of the things weĀ havenā€™tĀ yet accomplished. Ā What could you acknowledge you or someone else for today? Ā If thatā€™s too difficult, ask someone to acknowledge you for something, and thenĀ let the acknowledgment in!Ā Ā We are all doing our best, and that is certainly enough.
Our truest nature isĀ naturallyĀ happy. Ā If we are frustrated or annoyed, then we are resisting what IS. Ā And this doesnā€™t mean we are happy 24/7, just more often than not. Ā Can you be happyĀ unconditionally? Ā Notice the reasons you have for not being happy right now. Ā ā€œIā€™m happy with my life, but I wish X, Y, or Z.ā€ Ā Life is short and if we are not enjoying the time on this planet between birth and death, then we are missing the point.
There is always a rainbow after a storm, we just have to look for it. Ā Find yours!
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