How to Live a More Purposeful Life

One of my favorite things to help my clients with is creating a Purpose Statement.  Most of us are not taught to dream, or we are domesticated into believing in other people’s dreams.
When we go into silence or meditation, we ask the question:  “What is my purpose in life?”  Then, we listen for the answer from the level of spirit, or Source (which whispers).  We can also look at things we have loved to do throughout our life.  Perhaps as a child you liked to dance or paint.  What happened to that dream of becoming an Artist or a professional dancer?  Many of us at one time or another gave up on our dreams.
The other part of discovering our purpose not only includes what we love to do, but how can we do what we love AND serve others?  This is the ultimate purpose.  To make a difference for others and ultimately the world.
Also, our purpose can change over time.  What was once your purpose may no longer be.  Or, perhaps you have more than one, that’s OK too!  Your purpose in this moment could be to leave a job that you hate or a relationship that is causing you grief.  Taking those first steps to changing a situation in our lives sets us up for creating our greater purpose down the road.
Below I’ve included my purpose statements as examples.  I have a personal purpose as well as a purpose for my career.  They are not mutually exclusive, you know.  We are not what we do, but who we are being.  When I’m living on purpose personally this lends itself to who I’m being in my job or career.  
My purpose for my Self is to live my dream life, creating each day deliberately from my ideals.

My purpose for my career is to be a facilitator of opportunities for others to be more present and experience their true nature, which is Freedom.

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