How are you?

No, REALLY – HOW are you doing?  The weight of the world has been heavy for some of us lately.  In fact, according the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) symptoms of anxiety or a depressive disorder have increased significantly from 36.4% to 41.5% since August 2020.  Is this YOU?
Now, this doesn’t mean that your life is falling apart or you can’t completely get out of bed in the morning.  But the fact is most of us have underlying chronic stress, which over the long-term leads to inflammation in the body, which can lead then to every major dis-ease.
AND, “pandemic” literally means “a dis-ease of the planet” so it’s apparent we are in need of strengthening our  immune systems and connection to our own divine power(s) to HEAL.
HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS:  Meditation is the antidote to stress.  It has the opposite effects of stress on the body, i.e, heart rate and breath slows, immune function goes up, the production of ‘happy’ hormones like serotonin and dopamine increases, to name a few.  If ever there was a time to be committing to a consistent meditation practice or investing in your Self, it is NOW!
If you already have a consistent meditation practice, good for you!  Who do you know that could benefit from this opportunity to HEAL themselves in as little as 30 minutes per day?  Meditation continues to be my favorite thing to teach, because it is the foundation of everything.  FUN FACT:  The asanas (postures) we practice in Yoga prepare us for sitting for long periods of time in meditation.  And Ayurveda, India’s 5000+-year old system of medicine, is a consciousness-based system of medicine, which means it’s all about going inward to restore balance in the body, mind, and Spirit.
Meditation and Yoga are not learning anything new, they allow us to REMEMBER who we are, which is perfect, whole, and complete.  When we do this, we contribute to a shift in consciousness on the planet.  BE the change, we MUST!
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